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When it comes to narrative in video games, we think some really exciting things are happening right now. Studios are taking story seriously as a component of their games, and we’re starting to see compelling stories about complex characters in engaging situations

Our take is that alongside the epic sci-fi, fantasy and post-apocalyptic blockbusters, there’s room for small-scale, tightly crafted drama set in worlds which are more recognisably like the one we live in today.


Our skills are best suited to creating:

  • mechanics-driven narrative over cinematic cut-scenes

  • expressive art styles over photorealistic environments 


and we think it's best to play to our strengths.

We’re interested in why people don’t get on with their parents, why they stay in relationships that they shouldn’t, and why they make sacrifices they don’t need to. We want to design gameplay that makes players feel joy, or loneliness, or moral confusion in the same ways our characters do. We believe that passionate teams with diverse backgrounds and interests can make work that hasn’t been seen before.

We are interactive storytellers. We are a Typewriter Club.


Typewriter Club was set up by John Lau, a game designer, producer and graduate of the National Film and Television School. You can find his portfolio site here.


We are currently raising funding for our debut game.  If you'd like more information on our planned slate, please get in touch.

© Typewriter Club 2021

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